If there is anything missing from the documentation or you have a general question, please ask in the Facebook Group, which is available to all InvoiceSync users.
When you first log in and go to the Settings page, you’ll be asked to select the following:
Source: Infusionsoft is currently the only option
Destination: Select Xero or QuickBooks Online
Click Save Changes
Note: Once you’ve selected your destination, this page will not appear again and the regular Setting page will be displayed instead. Until you’ve authorised Infusionsoft and either Xero or QuickBooks Online, the page will look like this:
NOTE: Infusionsoft has recently rebranded to Keap. Please disregard any remaining references to Infusionsoft in screenshots and videos; nothing apart from the name has changed.
Go to the Settings -> Source (Infusionsoft) Settings menu option.
Then click on the “Click here to authorise Infusionsoft” link.
If you’re not already signed into Keap, the standard Keap login screen will appear – you’ll need to enter your Keap ID and password.
This is straightforward and simply involves you logging into Keap in a pop-up window if you’re not already connected, then selecting your Keap account (for most people, only one account will be listed, but some people have access to more than one Keap account). Select the appropriate account once logged in and click Allow.
You’ll then see an authorisation screen where you’ll be asked to select your Keap app and grant authorisation for InvoiceSync to connect.
(right now, you’ll need to close the authorisation tab when complete and then refresh the Settings screen that you go back to).
You can watch a video on connecting Keap here:
Once you’ve refreshed the Settings screen, you must confirm the currency that your Keap application is using, and select the appropriate option for Tax Handling and Finance Charges, then click the Save Changes button.
Click on destination settings, then change the url in the browser bar to https://invoicesync.net/settings/?tab=dest&auth=2 and hit enter. This will open a pop-up window that will prompt you to log into your Xero account. You will need to choose the company you want to link to (in most cases, this will only be one company), then authorise InvoiceSync to connect to Xero.
Back in InvoiceSync, Go to the Settings -> Destination Settings menu option.
Finally, click Save Changes.
This diagram shows how the data is synchronised between Keap and Xero.
Once you’re logged in, you will be presented with a Settings page asking you to select your Source (Keap) and Destination (Xero). As we only support Keap as the Source, this is selected and cannot be changed. As we support both Xero and QuickBooks Online (QBO) as sources, you will need to select Xero (selected by default) and then click Save Changes.
The next page will present you with ACTION REQUIRED for both Keap and Xero. Click on Configure next to each in turn.
This is very similar to how you connect to Keap and you can
view full instructions here.There are 4 options to choose from (these are for syncing FROM Keap TO Xero):
You can also manually sync individual invoices only (not payments) FROM Keap to Xero (not the other way round) using the Sync ID function at the bottom of the Dashboard. This is one invoice at a time and should only be used if an invoice was previously skipped and the reason for the skip subsequently resolved.
This is very straightforward.
Go to the Settings -> Destination Settings menu option (or on the Dashboard, click on Configure next to QuickBooks).
Then click on the “Click here to authorise QuickBooks” link.
If you’re not already signed into QBO, the standard QBO login screen will appear – you’ll need to enter your QBO ID and password.
You’ll then see an authorisation screen showing your QuickBooks organisation name and InvoiceSync. If it’s the correct organisation name, scroll down to the bottom and click the green Connect button.
You should get a message saying Quickbook Authorisation and below that, Success.
(right now, you’ll need to close the authorisation tab when complete).
Once that’s done, you need to select the appropriate Taxable Product and Non-Taxable options, then click the Save Changes button.
If you would like to match the Infusionsoft SKU code to the QBO Product ItemRef, please send an email to support@invoicesync.net asking for this to be switched on
Go to the Settings -> Sync Settings menu option.
If you’ve not configured this already, you’ll see the First-Time Settings screen.
You must click the Save Changes button at this point before you can enable synchronisation.
Check that the invoice is appearing in your accounting system the way you would expect. Once you’re happy with the way the invoices appear in your accounting system, you can switch on processing. For Xero, you will want to change the invoice status to Authorized (unless you have a good reason not to) under Destination Settings, as you will otherwise need to manually mark invoices as approved in Xero. This does not apply to QBO.
Finally, switch on Processing and click the Save Changes button again. Synchronisation will then begin automatically.
Once everything is set up and Synchronisation Processing is turned ON, InvoiceSync will connect to your Infusionsoft account once an hour, download the new invoices, and replicate them into Xero or QuickBooks Online.
So every time a new invoice gets created in Infusionsoft, a matching invoice with the same line items, discounts, sales tax, etc., will be created in Xero/QBO within an hour.
You can check what’s happened recently by going to the Activity Log page in your account.
Invoice Dates
Invoice dates will be set as follows:
Xero Account Codes
Invoice line items will be set to use the default account code you specified in the settings, unless you have created products in Xero that match products that exist in Infusionsoft. The SKU code is used to match products, and where a matching product is found, the invoice line items will use the account code as specified in the Xero product. Please note that SKU matching is something that will need to be switched on by our team, so if you’d like to use this feature, please send an email to support@invoicesync.net asking for this to be switched on
Other Functionality
There are also a few options that are not user-configurable but that you can request by emailing support@invoicesync.net and stating which one(s) you would like.
They are as follows:
If you have more than one Sales Account code and want your Xero invoices to automatically use the correct account code for each item, InvoiceSync can do this. Simply match the product’s SKU code in Infusionsoft to the item code in Xero.
E.g. SKU code in Infusionsoft: TIL
Item code in Xero: TIL
Below are some examples:
Please note that more than one product in Infusionsoft can have the same SKU code. This will NOT use the Xero Item code or the item’s description, it will purely use that item’s account code, in our example 201 – The Implementation Lab for item code TIL.
The product description in Xero will be the Infusionsoft Product Name.
If you would like the Xero Item Code to be populated as well based on the Infusionsoft SKU code, please send an email to support@invoicesync.net asking us to switch this on for you.
If you would like to sync from your accounting system to Infusionsoft as well as the other way, please send an email to support@invoicesync.net, stating the email address you use to log into InvoiceSync with and the date you want ReverseSync to start from.